Theodore Roosevelt Nature and History Association

Supporting North Dakota's Public Lands Since 1951!

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"It was here that the romance of my life began." - Theodore Roosevelt

Check out this amazing Earthlodge at Knife River Indian Villages NHS

The Civilian Conservation Corps picked a beautiful spot when they built this scructure in the 1930s.

Bison is the largest mammal in North America and can be spotted in Theodore Roosevelt National Park!

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Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Compromised of three units: North Unit, South Unit, and Elkhorn Ranch Unit, Theodore Roosevelt National Park stretches across 70,416 acres of western North Dakota. It preserves an area of land that profoundly affected President Theodore Roosevelt and is a mecca for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. Abundant wildlife, scenic drives, and miles of trail await your arrival!

Theodore Roosevelt National Park is the home to our office and three of our Park Stores. To learn more about the park visit:

Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site

Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site is located on the Knife River directly north of its confluence with the Missouri River. Hidatsa and Mandan hunted bison and other game, but were in essence farmers living in villages along the Missouri and its tributaries. The site was a major American Indian trade center for hundreds of years prior to becoming and important marketplace for fur traders after 1750. Today, visitors can see the archaeological remains of earthlodge villages and experience the landscape where Lewis and Clark met Sakakawea on their journey west.

Knife River Indian Villages NHS is home to one of our five bookstores. To learn more about the site please visit:



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