Theodore Roosevelt Nature and History Association

Supporting North Dakota's Public Lands Since 1951!

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"It was here that the romance of my life began." - Theodore Roosevelt

Check out this amazing Earthlodge at Knife River Indian Villages NHS

The Civilian Conservation Corps picked a beautiful spot when they built this scructure in the 1930s.

Bison is the largest mammal in North America and can be spotted in Theodore Roosevelt National Park!

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2025 Youth Art Contest

Details and Rules

The National Park Service (NPS) will be celebrating National Park Week April 19 – 27, 2025. To celebrate this exciting week Theodore Roosevelt Nature & History Association will be hosting a youth art contest.

The theme for this art contest will be The Nature of Theodore Roosevelt National Park, where children can draw their favorite natural features in Theodore Roosevelt National Park, from rocks to animals, rivers to plants – anything not man made.

Entries to the contest will be displayed in the South Unit Visitor Center of Theodore Roosevelt National Park between April 19 -April 27, 2025. April 19, 2025 is a NPS fee free day (no entry fees apply to enter Theodore Roosevelt National Park). All applicable entry fees apply for the remainder of the week April 20-27, 2025.

Submissions will be accepted in three grade-level categories and a winner will be selected from each category:
K-2 grade, 3-5 grade, and 6-8 grade
(A People’s Choice winner will also be announced, voting will take place by visitors in the South Unit Visitor Center throughout National Park Week.)
What to do:
  • Hand draw, color, or paint your favorite thing to do or see in Theodore Roosevelt National Park
  • Entry must be no larger than 8.5" x 11"
  • All paper types will be accepted (digital images and photography will not be accepted.)
  • Back of the entry must include artist's name, age, and parent/guardian email and phone number. (Please no names on front)
  • Only one entry per person
  • All entries must be original work.


  • When artwork is complete, fill out the entry form.

SUBMIT by 4:00 pm Mt, April 1, 2025.

  • Submissions can be dropped off at the South Unit Visitor Center of Theodore Roosevelt National Park, located in Medora or mailed to: TRNHA, PO Box 1, Medora, ND 58645
  • Submissions (original artwork, entry form, and participant waiver) must be received by 4:00 pm MT, April 1, 2025. Artists will be able to pick up their submissions beginning April 28, 2025. No submissions will be mailed back to the artist.

All timely submissions will be judged be TRNHA staff. Winning submissions will be announced April 19 (People’s Choice Award announced on April 27), prizes will be awarded to winners within each grade category. Winners will receive an art explorer pack.
For more information, please visit
Questions? Contact Jesse at or 701-623-4884



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